
中國石化新聞網訊 據美國合眾國際社8月4日收購餐飲設備報道,科威特宣佈其裝載原油的貨船已首次駛往其在越南的煉油廠,隨後越南在能源市場引發關註。

科威特石油國際公司副總裁Ghanem al-Otaibi負責將這批原油送往總投二手設備買賣資為92億美元的儀山煉油廠。該批200萬桶原油將於8月19日抵達越南,另一批原油預計將於下周離開科威特港。




章盈盈 摘譯自 合眾國際社


Kuwait ships first batch of oil to refinery in Vietnam

Vietnam drew more energy attention as Kuwait announced it sent its first-ever shipment east to a Kuwaiti-built refinery in the Asian nation.

Ghanem al-Otaibi, a vice president at Kuwait Petroleum International, was on hand for the first shipment to the $9.2 billion Nghi Son refinery. The batch of 2 million barrels of oil should arrive Aug. 19 and another shipment is expected to leave Kuwaiti ports next week.

According to the official Kuwait News Agency, known also as KUNA, the shipment aligns with the strategic objectives of the Kuwaiti Petroleum Corp., namely finding new outlets for Kuwait oil and expanding investment opportunities.

Kuwait chairs a committee of members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and non-member states monitoring the impact of an agreement implemented in January. Parties to the agreement opted to sideline 1.8 million barrels of oil per day from production and counts on cooperation from key non-OPEC members like Russia.

Higher exports from Kuwait should matter in OPEC's effort short-term, but balance out against domestic inventories over a period of time. In total, Kuwait plans six shipments to the refinery in Vietnam, for a total volume of 12 million barrels of crude oil.


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